Timex Camper = Immortal Masterpiece + a Cheap Plastic Reverso
Another place in the universe, up under different stars ☞ Watches in the article are denoted either as not my watch or my watch. Part 1. The Campers: Immortal Masterpiece Google translates the following from the Timex Japan website...
definition: Camper (mechanical): ≈ 36mm in diameter, fixed-lugs, time-only, 12 and 24 hour dial, plastic/resin. Production
maybe mid-1980s–mid-1990s (see addendum for Timex date codes which are on the casebacks of these Campers) There were also “mini” or “kid's” Campers ≈ 24mm (for a picture refer to the Timex Marine
magazine advertisement in the Addendum). A trio of Campers: Camper MK1 (Timex Archive, ref. TW2P88400LG); a re-issue of the first Camper (1980s); one of the most faithful re-issues in horology, Timex Japan Original Camper Ivory [“Camper Calatrava”] (Timex # TW2R78000) and bPr BEAMS Timex SSP Camper, fearless black [“Darth Camper”] (BEAMS # 13-48-0379-232 / Timex # TW2R77700)—my watches. Timex Camper MK1 30th anniversary limited edition (Ref. TW2P88400LG, 2016)—a faithful celebration of the Camper—my watch. Here is a note from a Japanese website: The original watch that “Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'” was never meant [sic] stick around…[now] This watch has clawed its way out of the garbage and back onto our wrists. This civilian reissue commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Mk-1, so now you too can break it and toss it and have it bide its time for revenge.heddels website (august 2016) Unless you are steeped in Camper culture it seems difficult to know all the various Camper variations/editions either directly from Timex or in association with other brands—here is Korean clothing label thisisneverthat® Timex 𝘹 “thisisneverthat” Camper [circa 2017, black & olive] (Korean streetwear brand)—not my watches. One of my favorite Campers is the POPEYE 𝘹 Timex (Timex # TWLA86100)—my watch. POPEYE magazine is the "Magazine for City Boys". The founders printed this on the cover of the magazine when it debuted in 1976. What's a "city boy"? The term doesn't appear in the dictionary and no expert panel could define it. So we felt we should explore every aspect of what this "city boy" might be. After decades of debate, it still makes for a topic of lively discussion. It can be a style or a way of thinking. To get an idea of what makes a city boy, read POPEYE magazine.popeye website Here is my old Timex Camper (circa 1980s, same #24 mvmt. as the Timex Mil-Spec)—“The Timex that ruled the world”—my watch. Simple manual-wind Timex watch purchased at the PX in 1980 for $5.00 and worn seven-days-a-week for 10 years. The watch survived the sands, humidity and cold of Mojave desert, Panama jungles and Korean winters. With no stated water resistance the watch survived oceans, rivers, swamps and a dunk in a Pig Piss boilermaker at the Alpine Bar and still tick-tocked through countless LSD-fueled parachute jumps and…This watch made a mockery of my AP Royal Choke and my Subparmariner. The watch has never been serviced if it can be serviced at all and never faulted; it still works to this day 36 years later. To me any watch that costs a thousand times more than my Timex and does not perform as well as my Timex is just a vanity jewelry watch. the timex that ruled the world: timezone public forum may 2016 Timex 𝘹 BEAMS All Black & White Campers (Originals Camper); no further information available, a mystery—not my watches. Timex 𝘹 Chinatown Market MK1 collarobation (Timex # TW2T49300JR, 36mm, 30 meters WR) From Timex “We brought a smile to our watch (faces) in our latest collaboration with Chinatown Market. We maintained the spirit of American watchmaking while Chinatown Market captures the character of the Smiley Face, coming together to create a modern timepiece that puts the classic smiley icon on your wrist.” The Chinatown Market is an homage to the spirit of Canal Street.—my watch. Life is Short, Smile Morewatch caseback Carhartt Work in Progress Timex 𝘹 Carhartt WIP Camper MK1 collarobation (Carhartt # I026053 / Timex # TW2R84900, 36mm, 30 meters WR, grey case w/ grey nylon strap). A good example of a Timex collaboration sans any noticiable press; the watch was released in fall 2018 and available on the Carhartt website but that is the extent of my knowledge of the collaboration.—not my watch. I believe that when a man wears an article that I manufacture, his self-respect is increased because he knows that it is made by an honest manufacturer, who is honest with his employees.Hamilton Carhartt Two Stainless-steel Campers: BEAMS Boy Timex SST Camper (BEAMS # 13-48-0109-232 / Timex # TW2R78300QY, 36mm, Acrylic windshield) and Timex MK1 Military with Grossgrain Strap (Timex Ref. TW2R73000LG, SS 36mm, 30 meters WR). The American version is the most formal of all the Campers, a true gentleman's timepiece, wonderful for black-tie events. From the BEAMS website: [ベルトにはハリのあるリジッドなナイロンを採用、ビジネスシーンでも対応できる汎用性を確保] ≈ “Adopting a rigid nylon on the belt to ensure versatility that can be handled even in the business scene”—my watches. Tokyo Converse 𝘹 TIMEX 3rd Anniversary Special Collaboration Camper (Release: August 2018, Ref. # unknown, black resin, 36mm) Google translation from the Converse-Tokyo website: CONVERSE TOKYO In commemoration of the 3rd anniversary, collaboration watch which applied bespoke design based on Timex's masterpiece' Camper. On the belt part is a special item that arranged the logo of CONVERSE TOKYO and designed the star motif which is also the symbol of Converse in the center of the dial—not my watch. CONVERSE TOKYO 3 周年を記念して、TIMEX の代表作とも言える「Camper」をベースに別注デザインを施したコラボレーションウォッチ。 ベルト部分にはCONVERSE TOKYO のロゴを配し、文字盤の中心にコンバースの象徴でもあるスターモチーフをデザインした特別なアイテムです。 It's Nice That 𝘹 TIMEX: “Nice Time Guaranteed” Camper (Timex # TW2R78300QY): a collaboration between Timex, It's Nice That (London-based design company) and Camelot Typefaces GbR (Leipzig)—my watch.
It's Nice That's collaboration with Timex brings the typographic heritage of both brand's together, with the customization of a military classic: the Timex MK1. Leipzig-based type collective Camelot has designed a typeface inspired by the letterforms of both It's Nice That and Timex. The resulting character set has the look of a bold sans-serif, with a hand-rendered quality. A message in a sun-like roundel seals the watch with a positive pledge to each person who wears it: Nice Time Guaranteed.timex Timex + Todd Snyder: the Military Watch (c. 2017, 38-40mm, 50mm WR, military nylon strap, quartz, Timex # TW4B05800) and Timex 𝘹 Nigel Cabourn SST Watch (c. 2018, 36mm, 30mm WR, L34 Ventile® strap, quartz, Timex # TW2R73100)—Camper-inspired (Todd Snyder is Viscount-inspired), military-esque watches each with the Broad Arrow—not my watch (todd snyder) / my watch (nigel cabourn). Beauty & Youth United Arrows 𝘹 Timex Originals Camper (circa November 2012, royal blue and light grey, Beauty & Youth logo at 6 o'clock)—not my watches.
TIMEXミリタリーウォッチ。1857年、アメリカ・コネチカット州ウォーターベリーで産声を上げ、世界で育った「 TIMEX(タイメックス)」。140年を超える歴史に培われた、本物だ けが醸しだすことのできる品格を実感して下さい。こちらは 定番人気モデルを、ベルト、ケース、文字盤まで同色、POPな2色 のカラーで別注しました。 Timex MK1 𝘹 The Good Company (Timex # TWG019800JR, December 2018, 36mm, black resin). From Timex: “The Good Company for Timex is a unique collaboration that brings a fresh twist to our classic MK1 style. The Good Company takes a fun, postmodern approach to the dial-using minimal markings on the dial and applying their wave logo as the second hand. Inspiration for this design can be found in our military-inspired MK1 roots and the Memphis art movement.” The Good Company is a New York-based streetwear brand with a flagship store on the Lower east Side—not my watch. Japan Disney Store 𝘹 Timex Mickey Mouse Anniversary Steamboat Willie Camper (November 2018, ref. # TW2T34400, 36mm, grey and black nylon straps )—my watch. (see Addendum for the 12/2018 release of the Timex 𝘹 Beams 𝘹 Disney 90th Anniversary Mickey Mouse collaboration). The long-established watch brand TIMEX comes with a special model of "Steamboat Willie". In the design of the watch body, Mickey Mouse of "Steamboat Willy" was treated, and the color was finished in monotone. The arm of Mickey Mouse becomes the needle of the clock and shows the time on the dial. The band of the watch is black and gray reversible, it has become the specification that it can pull out and change the front and back even without tools. On the black side, the logo of "Steamboat Willie" is printed on the gray side, and the Mickey Mouse holding the steering wheel is printed on the back side of the watch body, respectively. It is size feeling you can use with unisex. Entering a special box made just for this memorial model.japan disney store
老舗ウォッチブランドTIMEX(タイメックス)から『蒸気船ウィリー』の特別モデルが登場。 アメリカの老舗ウォッチブランドTIMEX(タイメックス)が、1980年代に製造していた米軍規格のミリタリーウォッチ「キャンパー」。これを忠実に復刻した「オリジナルキャンパー」は、視認性はもとより、軽くて耐久性に優れることから、同ブランドの定番ロングセラーとして人気があります。この「オリジナルキャンパー」をベースに、ミッキーマウスのスクリーンデビュー90周年を記念してディズニーストアのために特別に作られたのが、この『蒸気船ウィリー』モデルです。 時計本体のデザインには『蒸気船ウィリー』のミッキーマウスをあしらい、色味をモノトーンで仕上げました。ミッキーマウスの腕が時計の針となり、文字盤上で時刻を示してくれます。時計のバンドは黒とグレーのリバーシブルになっていて、工具が無くても引き抜いて表裏が変えられる仕様になっています。黒の面には『蒸気船ウィリー』のロゴが、グレーの面には舵輪を握るミッキーマウスが、それぞれ時計本体の裏側にくる位置にプリントされています。 ユニセックスでお使いいただけるサイズ感です。 この記念モデルのためだけに作られたスペシャルボックス入り。 *この商品は各種クーポン対象外です。japan disney store Timex has a plethora of brand collaborations involving the “Originals Camper” with date, pictured are a handful among many: Timex 𝘹 CROSSOVER "Paint It Black" Camper, Timex 𝘹 Timex (ref. # T2N364), master-piece 𝘹 Timex (Osaka bag company), Bedwin & the Heartbreakers 𝘹 Timex Camper (Japanese fashion retailer, Paramount Quality), Swagger 𝘹 Timex 12th Anniversary watch, Timex 𝘹 Journal Standard (Japanese contemporary fashion and streetwear) and Jam Home Made JHM 𝘹 Timex (on a Bund-type strap) [Japanese accessories brand]—not my watches.
Timex 𝘹 Thom McAn Camper (watch shown has date code AA = November 1993, mechanical Camper). This watch was featured on Yahoo Japan (May 2018) and it would be a suprise if it was a “real” collaboation with Thom McAn but it is more suprising that someone would fabricate such an obscure collaboration: it's a mystery⁇ Thom McAn was an American shoe company started in New York City in 1922 (by 1939 there were almost 700 stores). The watch pictured has an American flag under the Timex logo and the Thom McAn logo above the water-resistance symbol—not my watch. X-Large 𝘹 Timex Camper (circa April 2010 blue model # T92730): the only information found was: “Known for their collaborations, XLarge gets together as part of their Spring/Summer 2010 Collection with Timex. The two brands collaborated on the classic Camper watch. It comes in a black and a military green colorway, both featuring canvas straps and red or blue dials with subtle logo placements. When the hot short-sleeve season comes, because the arm is lonely, it is perfect for accent.” X-Large is a Japanese (or Los Angeles) clothing retailer I think—not my watches.
A pioneer of Los Angeles streetwear culture, X-Large started as a shop in the LA neighborhood of Los Feliz, on Vermont street in 1991. Opened by Eli Bonerz and Adam Silverman, the store catered to their diverse community and was quickly adopted by personalities such as Mike D of the Beastie Boys, Spike Jonez, and Chloe Sevigny. The X-Large clothing brand was a true reflection of its surroundings and Los Angeles lifestyle. The brand drew inspiration from work wear, vintage, and club scene aesthetics; to mid-century design, skateboarding and music influences. Iconic for its Gorilla logo, X-Large is established as one of the originals and continues to influence generations of streetwear culture worldwide.x-large website Adam et Ropé 𝘹 Timex Camper Watch c. 2011 (oversized limited edition). OFFICIAL Twitter: “ADAM ET ROPÉ ORDINARY NEWNESS ORDINARY COMFORT Daily routine. Sophisticated comfort and freshness that enjoys life every day”. I cannot tease out what specifically is the branding on these Campers but: “Japanese fashion label Adam et Ropé has just released two colorways of the celebrated Camper watch by Timex. The Camper model is the perfect everyday watch; simple and fine designed details. Both designs feature a rounded case with a simple black and white analogue display. Each watch is detailed with plastic detailing in black and features a strap in your choice of either black or khaki” [Google translation]. Pictured with the watches are agnés b. 𝘹 Adam et Ropé hoodie and PEANUTS 𝘹 Adam et Ropé sweatshirt—not my watches. SHIPS 40th anniversary Timex bespoke navy Original Camper: SHIPS is a Japanese clothing brand founded in 1975 (released October 2016)—not my watch but i want it. From TIMEX 's popular immovable series "ORIGINAL CAMPER", SHIPS bespoke navy model appeared! ORIGINAL CAMPER (Original Camper) was a replica type of model that Timex offered for military at that time, highly visibility, exactly the origin model of military watch. There was a model that gained popularity as a "blue" camper in the past, but this time, SHIPS (Ships) released "Navy" camper as bespoke. This is the point that the tone of the model and the blue at that time are also different, and the specification of the campers themselves follows the original designs, it is the point that they are completed as the original campers. The classical atmosphere of the original campers, as it is, is an attractive gem that is useful as a casual as well as a suit or a jacket style... google translation from watch-monster article (japanese website) TIMEXの中でも不動の人気を誇るシリーズ"ORIGINAL CAMPER"より、SHIPS別注のネイビーモデルが登場! ORIGINAL CAMPER(オリジナルキャンパー)は、当時タイメックス社が軍用に供給していたモデルのレプリカタイプで、視認性も高く、まさにミリタリーウォッチの原点的なモデル。 過去に"青"キャンパーとして人気を博したモデルがありましたが、今回SHIPS(シップス)別注として"紺"キャンパーをリリース。 こちらはその当時のモデルとブルーのトーンも異なり、またキャンパー自体の仕様がより初代のデザインを踏襲した、オリジナルキャンパーとして完成させているのがポイントです。 オリジナルキャンパーの持つクラシカルな雰囲気はそのままに、カジュアルはもちろん、スーツやジャケットスタイルの"外し"としても重宝する汎用性の高さが魅力的な逸品で、文字盤には今回のコラボレーションを象徴するべくSHIPSロゴも施すなど、"TIMEX×SHIPS"だからこそ実現した、上品仕様の"ORIGINAL CAMPER"にてお届けいたします。 Timex stain-less steel (SS) Campers (classic 36mm): the traditional Timex Camper is plastic/resin but stain-less steel models exist such as the five Campers pictured. It is unlikely one will find a nicer (finish and construction) SS case in watches 10x the price of the SS Campers—my watches. Timex Originals Camper military-esque collaborations: Beauty & Youth 𝘹 Briefing 𝘹 Timex (mil-spec bag specialist), Disney 𝘹 Timex, SHIPS 𝘹 Timex, WTAPS 𝘹 Timex (Japanese clothing brand), Timex 𝘹 SBTG Surplus Camper project (Singapore sneaker customization) and LESS 𝘹 Timex (Taiwanese fashion brand)—not my watches. BEAMS 𝘹 Timex 35th anniversary Retro Camper (c. 2011): Aside from the Beams logo placement on the dial, the '7' has been exchanged with a '35', the watches come with two NATO straps. Other BEAMS 35th annivesary collaborations included PUMA DISC LTWT 𝘹 BEAMS, Monclear 𝘹 BEAMS shiny bronze jacket and BEAMS 𝘹 Arc'teryx backpack—not my watches. Timex 𝘹 Goodhood OG Camper: circa 2015, limited to 250 pieces with Goodhood custom typeface. I am not certain what the “OG” represents, Originals Camper?; but given the Goodhood depiction of Charlie Brown smoking a blunt and the Goodhood Weirdos, Stylers, Punks, Outsiders tee-shirt I guess one has to be “cool” to wear the Goodhood OG Camper—not my watches.
Off-topic but speaking of Goodhood here is the first Goodhood/Timex collaboration: Timex 𝘹 Goodhood Weekender: December 2014, limited to 50 pieces with the Goodhood logo replacing the usual Indiglo® at 6 o'clock. The accompaning pictures are from the Goodhood Store illustrations (Biggie wears Paul Smith bamboo print shirt and Sid wears Neighborhood leopard print shirt) from the Goodhood Spring/Summer 2014 catalog—not my watch.
Timex Originals for Hudson's Bay Company Collection watch (circa 2012, Timex ref. T2N977). The Timex / HBC collaboration was only sold through Timex Canada and Hudson's Bay Company stores. The model is quite similar to the BEAMS 𝘹 Timex 35th anniversary Retro Camper which was released a year earlier (note both models have a knurled crown. The Timex / HBC watch has a nylon strap done in the HBC point blanket stripe design—not my watch. Timex 𝘹 Publish Brand clothing Black & White Cities collection (pure white & midnight black)—not my watches.
Publish exists to stir your imagination and, in turn, be inspired by you as well. We are part-time clothiers, full-time bridge builders, today for tomorrow CAMPER have a good time, TIMEX, BEAMS 's triple name. The graphic on the face reprinted the design of Toy Watch ofHave A Good Time are a small crew based in Tokyo, who run a tiny shop on a back alley in Nakameugro that deals in weird and wonderful books, music, art, toys and clothes gathered from their travels as well as a couple of small clothing labels and their own in-house line. Timex for J. Crew: there were at least three Camper-esque Timex for J. Crew collaborations namely: Timex for J. Crew Military watch (2008, # T2M901), Timex for J. Crew Field Army watch (2010, # T2N332) and Timex for J. Crew Platoon watch (2013, # T2P361); I am not 100% certain of the “official” names of the watches but the dates are correct as the date is inscribed on the case-backs. The watches do not have fixed lugs so maybe not “Campers” per se but good enought for me—not my watches.
Goodhood 𝘹 TIMEX 10th anniversary collaboration (250 pieces, circa 2017, Timex ref. TWLA88100). Goodhood is a London lifestore (founded 2007) and collaborated with sundry brands to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Pictured is the Timex collaboration along with Brain Dead Loves Goodhood t-shirt, Studio Arhoj 𝘹 Goodhood ceramic ghosts and Vans 𝘹 Goodhood Sk8-Hi sneakers against a background of Goodhood gift paper—my watch.
NEIGHBORHOOD 𝘹 TIMEX NHTM Camper (circa 2017, Ref. TWLA84100JP)—NEIGHBORHOOD® (started in 1994 by Shinsuke Takizawa) is a clothing company with a flagship store(s) in Tokyo. I am not certain what connection the watch has between Timex and NEIGHBORHOOD® though the special strap that comes with the watch seems similar to the NEIGHBORHOOD® G.I / MA-Belt found in the 2017 Autumn/Winter MIL-spec line—my watch. Once you get to know the Timex Camper and Timex in general you understand modern mid-tier watches are simply a waste of money† (let's define mid-tier as $1K—$20K [U.S.]). Most mid-tier watches are puffery & myth by which I mean pretention & fiction: FREE YOURSELF from the bondage of branding and the albatross of advertising—if you want horology get a Patek Philippe, if you want a nice watch get a Timex—it's a simple formula.†Rolex is exempt as Rolex is 👑 ♔ king ♔ 👑. Part 2. The TIMEX 𝘹 Engineered Garments 𝘹 BEAMS Boy “Reverso”
In 1976, Beams opened its first shop inside a small space in the Harajuku neighborhood that used to be a grocery. The name “Beams” played off the five-letter store name trend (CREWS, SHIPS, CANOE) and the fact that the kō character (光) in parent company Shinko Inc.'s name can mean “beam of light.”. At first, Beams sold athletic-minded West Coast collegiate clothing, with the store set up like a mock dorm room at UCLA and selling things like Nike roller skates.
Celebrating BEAMS 40th anniversary in 2016 BEAMS in collaboration with Timex and Engineered Garments released the TIMEX 𝘹 Engineered Garments 𝘹 BEAMS Boy “Reverso”†;—in 2018 the BEAMS Boy 20th anniversary “Reversos” were released. There were dozens of BEAMS 40th anniversary brand collaborations e.g. Jason Takala 𝘹 BEAMS Prayer Ring, G-Shock 𝘹 BEAMS 40th Anniversary Watch, BEAMS 40th Anniversary 𝘹 Barbour Beauchamp Jacket and BEAMS 𝘹 Converse 40th Anniversary All Stars.† The Timex “Reverso” is a watch that has the dial and text reversed, flipped, inverted, mirrored, whatever. The only thing I know for a semi-truth concerning these Timex 𝘹 Engineered Garments 𝘹 Beams Camper “Reversos” is there are thus far four (at least) variants namely:
How the watches were distributed (in the U.S.A. the watches may have been available at Nepenthes in NYC) or in what numbers the watches were produced is a mystery to me—the “Reversos” are packaged in matching color boxes (stock images below). Note: each of the “Reversos” have “Engineered Garments®” printed on the inside of the nylon strap. Here is the BEAMS Boy Timex SST “Reverso” (BEAMS # 13-48-0002-232 / Timex # TW2R56500)—my watch.
The third [ss model, black resin followed shortly, my note] of the much sought after “mirrored face” watch series; inspired by the “Tokoya Dokei (Barbar's watch)”, designed for quick time-reading whilst getting a haircut. Commemorating BEAMS BOY 20th Anniversary, the new series comes in a stainless steel case. An exquisite piece, perfectly melding the playful energy of ENGINEERED GARMENTS and the rugged toughness of TIMEX. google translation beams website (paraphrase) かつて瞬く間に完売した<Engineered Garments(エンジニアド ガーメンツ)>と<TIMEX(タイメックス)>のスペシャルウォッチを <BEAMS BOY(ビームス ボーイ)>の誕生20周年を記念して復刻しました! "ORIGINAL CAMPER"をベースにステンレスケースをドーム型のミネラルガラス風防を搭載した日本企画モデル、通称”SST CAMPER"を採用した今作。 文字盤デザインとロゴをミラー反転させながらも針は通常の時計回りで、<ENGINEERED GARMENTS>らしい遊び心溢れるデザインに仕上げた貴重なリストウォッチ。 ボディーカラーに合わせてスペシャル仕様のボックスもご用意しました。 Here is the BEAMS Boy Timex black resin “Reverso” (BEAMS # 13-48-0018-232 / Timex # TW2R56600)—my watch.
In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the birth of <BEAMS BOY(ビームス ボーイ)>の誕生20周年を記念して、かつて瞬く間に完売した<Engineered Garments(エンジニアド ガーメンツ)>と<TIMEX(タイメックス)>のスペシャルウォッチ復刻モデル第2弾が登場。 "ORIGINAL CAMPER"をベースに文字盤デザインとロゴをミラー反転させながらも針は通常の時計回りで、<ENGINEERED GARMENTS>らしい遊び心溢れるデザインに仕上げた貴重なリストウォッチ。今回は<TIMEX(タイメックス)>で定評のあるブラックカラーをご用意しました。 ボディーカラーに合わせたスペシャル仕様のボックスも見逃せないポイントです。
I have not read any definite origin story for the Timex “Reverso” but the following snippet from an interview with Daiki Suzuki (designer Engineered Garments) sheds light on the genesis: Q. Reason for adopting inverted design which is also the biggest feature of bespoke model? Waterbury (predecessor to Timex) did produce such “barbershop” clocks (retailed by Kramer, Elkader, Iowa) so the story is not implausible (I like to think it's true). The “barbershop” clock (Timexpo museum, Waterbury, Conn.) is pictured with my Waterbury clock (8-day circa 1870)—I think the Timexpo museum closed in 2015.
BEAMS shared a 40th anniversary with the 40th anniversary of Japanese magazine POPEYE. Though not a Timex there was a BEAMS 𝘹 POPEYE 40th anniversary watch (Seiko)—not my watch. LLBean 𝘹 BEAMS PLUS & BEAMS BOY 40th anniversary: Lounger Boots (not watch-related but pretty nice).
Lounger boots born in 1952 based on the main hunting shoe which is the representative boots of <L.L.Bean>の代表ブーツであるメイン・ハンティングシ ューをベースに1952年に誕生したラウンジャーブーツは、キャ ンプ場や自宅などでカジュアルに履くことを目的に作られた モデル。その後、マイナーチェンジを繰り返し、現在のスト ラップ付きデザインになりました。そんな隠れた名作を別注 。アッパーにはBEAMSの強い希望からスエード素材を採用。また ソールの一部もアッパーと同色に揃え、すっきりとしたビジ ュアルを実現。今回も前作同様、本国アメリカでの生産です。 BEAMS創業40周年を記念して<ENGINEERED GARMENTS>と<TIMEX>のスペシャルウォッチが完成。 ベースモデルは、2015年11月に復刻発売された『オリジナルキャンパー』。 文字盤デザインをミラー反転させた一見奇抜に思えるデザインですが、あくまでも針は通常の時計回り。そんな計算し尽くされた未完成なデザイン。 <ENGINEERED GARMENTS>らしい遊びゴコロがふんだんに詰まった1本に仕上がりました。 In commemoration of the 40th anniversary of BEAMS foundation Here are the BEAMS 40th anniversary Timex 𝘹 Engineered Garments 𝘹 Beams Camper “Reversos”—my watches. Engineered Garments's Andover Jacket (A kaleidoscope of colors, patterns and textures). Engineered Garments have long been proponents of daring design philosophies—showcasing a willingness to weave mismatching patchwork and textiles to fashion one-of-a-kind signature creations (Spring/Summer 2018 collection). A quartet of Timex 𝘹 Engineered Garments 𝘹 BEAMS Camper “Reversos” with Daiki Suzuki—my watches.. かつて理髪店で使用されていた、鏡越しに見る掛け時計から生まれたアイデアに、反転・逆転といったパンク精神へのオマージュも込められています
Epilogue There are much more important things in life than a watch. When I eventually downsize to two timepieces a Timex will certainly be one of the final pair of watches I own. Pictured are a very nice pair of timepieces (Timex MK1 SST Olive & Olive 40mm with INDIGLO® and 30m water-resistance and a F.P. Journe Chronomètre Souverain, 40mm, pink gold)—my watches. Addendum BEAMS Boy: launched in 1998, BEAMS BOY was made for women who love the strength and function found in men's fashion. The selection centers around men's heavy duty and standard items, and pieces with substance, styled to highlight their unique appeal. ENGINEERED GARMENTS: incepted in 1999 by Japanese born, American designer, Daiki Suzuki, with a vision to craft contemporary garments with urban usability and nostalgic workwear elements with utilitarian flair. TIMEX: Timex Group designs, manufactures and markets innovative timepieces around the world. Founded in 1854, Timex Group is a privately-held company headquartered in Middlebury, Connecticut. The Timex MK1 are 40mm, 30 meter water-resistance with Indiglo®: pictured: MK1 Aluminium, olive (TW2R37500), MK1 Aluminium, blue (TW2R37300), MK1 stain-less steel, beige & khaki (TWR268000), MK1 Matte Aluminium (TW2T13800LG) and MK1 stainless-steel, olive & olive (TW2R68100)—not my watches except the olive & olive. Timex Japan: 樹脂製ケースのオリジナルキャンパーからケース素材をSSに変えた日本企画モデルを40mm径にサイズアップしたワールドワイドモデル。 汎用性を高めるためにインディグロ®ナイトライトを搭載し、ストラップも味わいのあるファブリック製にすることで大人っぽい顔つきになりました。 使い込むうちに味の出てくるカーキカラーは、長く使える1本です。 Google translation ≈ “worldwide model whose size has been upgraded to a 40 mm diameter by changing the case material from the original campaign of plastic case to SS, Japan planning model. In order to increase versatility, Indiglo® Night Light was installed and the strap looks like an adult looking by making the strap a tasty fabric.” In addition to the million Timex Camper brand collaborations there are many non-Camper brand collaborations—here are four U.S.A. brand collaborations: Timex 𝘹 Red Wing Waterbury (2016), the leather strap is from Red Wing's S.B. Foot Tanning Company, Timex 𝘹 RHC Navy Safari (celebrating the 1st anniversary of RHC Ron Herman Oosaka Store) [Timex # TW2R11300],Timex 𝘹 Carhartt WIP (work in progess) Acadia (2017 with custom-labled NATO) and the Timex 𝘹 Mystery Ranch Field Watch (Timex # TW2R81700)—not my watches. Timex 𝘹 Goodhood limited editions: unlike the pseudo-limited editions smelling up modern horology Timex limited editions are relatively “limited”—the Weekender was limited to 50 pieces and both the Camper and the OG Camper were each limited to 250 pieces, while not really limited 250 pieces is not inane like Omega and IWC so-called “limited editions”. Timex 2-character date codes. Watches from 1985 and later generally have a 2 digit code on the caseback indicating year and month of manufacture. For example the mechanical Campers pictured have date-codes of “94”, “52” and “77” which correspond to: September 1992, April 1989 and May 1991—not my watches. Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec 1985 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 1986 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1987 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1988 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 1989 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1990 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 1991 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 1992 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 1993 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a0 aa ab 1994 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b0 bb bc 1995 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c0 cc cd 1996 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d0 dd de 1997 e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e0 ee ef 1998 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f0 ff fg 1999 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 g0 gg gh bPr BEAMS Mickey Mouse 90th Anniversary: a Camper triple-collaboration Timex 𝘹 Beams 𝘹 Disney (December 2018, Beams ref # 11480393232, 36mm, resin case, nylon strap, & acrylic windshield)—not my watch.
ディズニーのシンボル的キャラクターとして、世界中から愛されているミッキーマウスの生誕90周年記念ウォッチが登場。<TIMEX(タイメックス)>の高い人気を誇る名作、"MK1"と呼ばれる"Camper(キャンパー)"モデルに落とし込んだ、<BEAMS(ビームス)>限定のスペシャルウォッチです。 レトロでクラシックな印象のミッキーマウスは、1930年代の"パイカットアイ"と呼ばれるアートワークを採用。時を刻むたびにミッキーマウスの両腕が動き、様々なフェイスの表情を楽しめます。トラッドな配色で仕上げた<TIMEX>定番のナイロンベルトもポイント。大人の上品さがありながらも、<BEAMS>らしい遊び心を感じる仕上がりに。 10年前のアニバーサリーモデルの特徴であるミッキーマウス の手足の細さや体のフォルムをリデザインした、90周年に ふさわしいエクスクルーシブウォッチです。Timex Japan As a symbolic character of Disney, Mickey Mouse's 90th birth anniversary watch that is loved from all over the world appeared. It is a special watch of limited Here are sundry brand logos of many of the Timex collaborations referenced in the article. Background art-work credited as follows: Keith Haring, Camouflage (Andy Warhol), Untitled (Toyohara Chikanobu woodcut), Brush Strokes 1965 (Roy Lichtenstein), KAWS, California Landscape IV, 2005 (Lee Sang Guk woodcut), Tree Scene (Hajime Namiki), Sell the house... (Christopher Wool), Brush Strokes 1968 (Roy Lichtenstein), Blue Waves (Block-print fabric), KAWS, Yellow and Red Brush Strokes (Roy Lichtenstein), White Brushstroke 1965 (Roy Lichtenstein), Goodhood Gift Paper, Katsushika Hokusai, Hokusai Fugaku, Lee Ufan, Lee Ufan, Bansky, Sarah Larnach, Kawase Hasui, Cy Twombly, Chuck Close, Mr. Brainwash x 4, Clara Lacy and Andy Warhol. |